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【目次】Table of Contents
00:00 オープニング(Opening)
00:25 レシピ(Recipe)
00: 型準備(Mold Preparation)
00: 生地作り(Making dough)
0: 仕上げ(Finishing touches)
【材料】 直径18cm 高さ4.5cm キッシュ型 1台分
ビターチョコレート65% / bitter chocolate 65% 100g
牛乳 / milk 60g
無塩バター / unsalted butter 40g
コーンスターチ / corn starch 20g
ココアパウダー / cocoa powder 20g
卵黄 / egg yolk(M size) 3個
グラニュー糖 / sugar 30g
卵白 / egg white(M size) 3個
グラニュー糖 / sugar 50g
〜How to make it in English〜
Lay out the paper pattern on the mold. / Preheat oven to 130℃.
Prepare hot water for baking by boiling. / Mix cornstarch and cocoa powder well.
【Way of making】
Prepare the mold. Place the paper pattern on the mold.
Make the dough.
First, put the bitter chocolate, milk, and unsalted butter in a heatproof bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and heat in a microwave oven at 600W for 2 minutes.
After heating, preheat the oven to 130℃. Also, prepare hot water for boiling.
Remove the bowl from the microwave and mix from the center with a whipper.
Add the egg yolks and mix further. Emulsify the mixture thoroughly. Add the sugar and mix.
Sift together the cornstarch and cocoa powder. Mix slowly. When the mixture is evenly mixed with no lumps, cover with plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.
Make the meringue.
Beat the cooled egg whites with a hand mixer. When the whites are white and frothy, add all of the sugar. Make a soft meringue of about 6 parts meringue.
Add 1/3 of the meringue mixture to the base batter and mix with a whipper, returning the mixture from the bottom. Once mixed, add the remaining meringue and mix with a spatula. When the white streaks of meringue disappear and the mixture is well blended, it is ready.
Pour the batter into the mold, smooth the surface slightly, and tap it on the table to remove any large air bubbles.
Transfer the mold to a baking pan and pour hot water into the pan until it reaches 1/3 of the height of the mold.
When baked, remove from the hot water bath and cool on a net. When the heat is removed, remove from the mold.
Cool well, cut into desired size and enjoy!
HARIO(ハリオ)片口ボウル 耐熱ガラス 日本製 KB-1318 3個セット
3枚 セット オリジナル くりかえし使える NIJIAKIN 耐熱 耐久 水洗い可能
シャープ オーブンレンジ 31L コンベクション 2段調理 ホワイト RE-SS10-XW
dretec(ドリテック) ハンドミキサー 泡立て器 5段階切替
霜鳥製作所 ブラック・フィギュア デコレーションケーキ型 共底 15cm
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