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【目次】Table of Contents
00:00 オープニング(Opening)
00:15 レシピ(Recipe)
00:21 アップルパイ作り(Making apple pie)
【材料】8個分 / For 8 pieces
バニラアイス / vanilla ice cream 1個(200ml)
薄力粉 / cake flour 大さじ2(2 Tbsp.)
りんご / apple 1個
グラニュー糖 / sugar 大さじ2(2 Tbsp.)
キャラメル / caramel 8個
シナモン / cinnamon お好みで(As you like.)
冷凍パイシート / Frozen Pie Sheet 2枚
グラニュー糖/ sugar(焼成前にふる) 適量
〜How to make it in English〜
Preheat the oven to 230℃. (Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven together with the baking sheet.)
【How to make】
Thaw 2 frozen pie sheets in the refrigerator. (If the sheets are completely defrosted, it will be difficult to work with them.
Put the vanilla ice cream in a heatproof container, cover with plastic wrap, and heat in a microwave oven (600W for 1 min 30 sec to 2 min). Meanwhile, sift flour into a bowl.
Mix the heated melted vanilla ice cream with a spatula and add a small amount to the flour bowl. Mix well with a whipper.
When the mixture is lump-free, add all the remaining melted vanilla ice cream and mix well. Cover with plastic wrap and place in microwave oven (600W for 1 min 30 sec).
After heating, mix thoroughly with a whipper. It will become a shiny custard cream.
Scrape clean around the bowl and cover with fluffy plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.
Stretch out the pie sheet. Roll out the pie sheet into a square whose long sides are the same size as one side of the sheet. If the dough sticks to the rolling pin, sprinkle with flour and roll out.
When two sheets have been rolled out, stack them on top of each other and cut into four equal pieces (makes 8 sheets in total). Stretch the dough with your hands a little, then spread the dough into the cups.
Preheat the oven to 230℃. Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven cabinet together.
Cut the apples into quarters, remove the skin and core, and then cut into 8 pieces.
Place the apple slices in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
Prepare the caramel. Take 8 Morinaga milk caramels out of the bag and cut them in half with scissors.
Pour the custard cream into the cups lined with pie crust. (Fill the cups with the finished cream in 8 equal portions.)
Put 2 slices of apple per cup and press a little on top. Fill each cup with 2 slices of caramel.
Place the remaining 2 slices of apple on top of each cup. Finally, sprinkle the top with granulated sugar, remove the baking sheet from the preheated oven (be careful, it is very hot!) Bake at 230℃ for 20 min.
After baking, transfer the baked goods to a net to cool. I recommend eating them while they are still warm and a little overheated!
TC ウィズ シリコンゴムヘラ(大)
HARIO(ハリオ)片口ボウル 耐熱ガラス 日本製 KB-1318 3個セット
シャープ オーブンレンジ 31L コンベクション 2段調理 ホワイト RE-SS10-XW
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