【料理】ミルキーなクリームがおいしい!ミルクレープの作り方【Mille crepes】の作り方/パティシエが教えるお菓子作り!


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【目次】Table of Contents
00:00 オープニング(Opening)
00:12 レシピ(Recipe)
00:20 クレープ生地(Dough)
06:14 クリーム(Cream)
07:00 組み立て(Assembly)

【材料】φ18cm 18枚分 / 18 cm for 18 sheets
全卵(M) / eggs(M)  2個
牛乳 / milk400g
薄力粉 / cake flour 160g
アーモンドプードル / almond powder 70g
グラニュー糖 / sugar 55g
太白胡麻油 / white sesame oil 30g
バニラペースト / vanilla paste 少量(small quantity)

生クリーム43% / heavy cream 400g
練乳 / condensed milk 80g







  \\\Bon appétit!///

〜How to make it in English〜
Prepare ice water.

【How to make】
■Crepe dough
Break the eggs into a bowl. Add the milk in two parts and mix well. Add the vanilla paste and mix well.
Sift the flour into another large bowl. Add the almond powder and sugar and mix well with a whisk. Make a slight depression in the centre and add half of the liquid egg-milk mixture to it, slowly mixing from the centre with the whipper. Mix to break down the wall of flour on the sides of the bowl.
When the mixture is flourless and free of lumps, add the remaining liquid and mix well. Finally, add the thick white sesame oil and mix evenly.
Scrape a spatula around the bowl to clean it, wrap it in plastic wrap and leave it to rest in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Bake the dough.
Mix the rested dough once from the bottom.
Heat a frying pan over medium heat, lightly grease it with oil (not included in the quantity) and pour a little less than a ladleful of dough into the pan. Immediately tilt the pan and spread the batter all over.
When the edges are browned and a little later, turn over. When the other side is slightly browned, transfer to a sheet of kitchen paper on a mesh and leave to cool.
Repeat with 18 sheets. When the last sheet is cooked, cover the top with kitchen paper and leave to cool.

Add the condensed milk to the cream and whisk to a firm consistency while placing in ice water.
Make the final adjustments by hand and beat until the cream is stiff enough not to fall out of the whipper when scooped.

Place a scoop of cream on top of the first layer of dough, baking side down, and spread the cream over the entire dough with a palette. Spread the cream as flat as possible.
From the second layer, place the dough on top of the cream, baking side up. Spread the cream over the dough in the same way.
Repeat with 17 sheets, then spread the cream on the top surface and then on the sides. The cream should be so thin that it shows through the dough.
After the sides have been creamed, any cream that has overflowed onto the top surface is removed with a palette. Then place the last sheet of dough on top and press gently to adhere.
Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.
…If there’s any cream left over, you can use it for decoration!

Once the mille crepes are chilled, cut them into desired sizes and serve as soon as possible!

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